Monday, August 26, 2013

There have been moments when I have wondered if this was the real thing. Maybe because of past relationships, maybe because I'm insecure sometimes, who knows...but then, I am reminded of the things that you love just simply because you know it will make me happy. I am reading a book about a couple that survived a plane crash and every day that I read, I update you on the progress of this girl's recovery. You listen so intently and make me feel like you really care about what I'm reading. You drove around last Christmas so we could see house's Christmas lights, carved pumpkins after driving to multiple places to pick out the perfect pumpkins. You get me ice cream bars when I'm at work so I have a surprise to come home to, help me hang kitchen cabinets, and look at all of my crafty projects like they are the best thing you've ever seen. I only hope that I make you feel as special as you make me feel. Oh, and I almost forgot...It's probably important to document that while we were at the shore, you and I beat Taylor & Lauren at pool and basketball!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two months since my last post... It's been a busy Summer! You graduated from West Chester (Hooray!!!), have been searching every second for a job,  we... well,  let's be honest...I have been painting the house, we have been combating all types of bugs that want to live with us (we actually spent an entire hour one night chasing and killing flies. We have an exciting life!), along with baseball weekends, watching fireworks on 4th of July, and getting ready for a trip to the shore next month! This has been a crazy Summer and I wouldn't want to be spending it with anyone else.

As always,  I love you!  xoxo

Monday, May 27, 2013

This weekend was the weekend I moved in! We spent the entire weekend painting both the living room and kitchen and they took forever, but turned out great. Oh and Dave moved in on Saturday, which means there are five adults in this crazy house. Lets see how this goes...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Three days ago, you asked me to move in...finally!!  :)

You also did it in the most perfect way possible. You came over while I was on my laptop and asked what my plans were for when I wanted to move in. I laughed and said I didn't have a date or plan (we had already had a bunch of discussions/fights/craziness about this topic). And then, you said it had been great having me there during the week and asked if I wanted to move in. I had to hold myself back from crying and you seemed so excited about it! I love you so much and can't wait to start this new chapter.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


To My Love, 
You are the cheese to my macaroni, the peanut to my butter. I love you more than I even thought possible and you continue to amaze me with your patience and adoration. When I am around you, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I can't wait to spend the next 100 years falling even more in love with you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

This pretty much sums us (and you) up perfectly. I can't wait to keep laughing for another 50 years with you!

Monday, January 21, 2013